Taking a Running Record
Running records are a useful tool when measuring a student's reading ability, especially during the beginning and developing reading stages. However, administering these types of assessments requires practice. After reviewing the process below, review the Marking a Running Record Form page.
- Choose a Benchmark Passage, Benchmark Book (Levels aa-J), or Spanish Benchmark Passge at the student's approximate reading level. Tell the student that you observe and record as he or she reads.
- Sit in a position where you can observe the student's finger and eye movements as well as the text.
- Use the printed Running Record form and the Running Record Symbols and Marking Conventions in the chart below to mark each word appropriately as the student reads.
- If the student reads too quickly for you to record the running record, ask him or her to pause until you catch up.
- Monitor the student for Errors/Self Correction and attempt to identify causes of errors (phonics, morphology, guessing, etc.)
- Try not to intervene when student struggles.
- If the student struggles with a word and is unable to continue, pause for 5 to 10 seconds, then say the word. If the student is confused, explain the word and ask the student to try again