Short Passages and Animations to Practice Argumentation Skills
Introduce students to the fundamentals of argument analysis with the Argumentation Skill Packs. Each Pack
includes a lesson plan, an animation, Interactivity, and other resources for students to analyze and respond to
arguments. The lesson plans follow the teach, practice, and apply instructional approach to support students as
they identify and explain claims, reasons, evidence, point of view, and much more.
To understand an argument, students need to pinpoint its claim or point of view and the reasons
given, and evaluate the evidence provided. Analyzing arguments is a key critical thinking skill as
well as a means to comprehend much of the nonfiction text that students will encounter in school and
daily life.
How to Use Argumentation Skill Packs
Each grade level includes multiple packs with resources for teacher-led discussion and modeling,
practice analyzing arguments, writing responses to arguments, and independent practice in key
component skills.
Follow the lesson plan to guide initial discussion and gradually allow more independence for students
to analyze and respond to arguments on their own as well as engage in extension and writing
A lesson plan that introduces key concepts
An animation that brings those concepts to life for students and can be used to spark discussion and review key concepts later if needed
Passages and Interactivities that encourage students to analyze arguments, answer questions, and write their responses to arguments
The first lesson within each set of grade level packs introduces the concept of argument in general
and claim or point of view. Subsequent lessons introduce elements that support the claim (for
example, reasons and evidence). Follow the lessons in sequential order to build upon previously
learned concepts and provide students with a foundational understanding of argumentation.
Use built-in interactive tools for highlighting, underlining, circling, framing, and more on each projectable passage.
Use the practice passages for individual, paired, or small-group independent or guided practice.
Assign the Interactivities for student independent practice with key skills. Look for completed Interactivity data in the Activity Report.
Use the Answer Key attached to the lesson plan to check for student understanding.