Curricula and Assessments: NWEA MAP Growth K-2
Why Use NWEA Correlations
These correlations indicate resources to use for targeted instruction based on students’ RIT scores from the Northwest Evaluation Association™ (NWEA™) MAP Growth and MAP Growth K-2 assessments. Based on NWEA’s Learning Continuum, the correlations include the learning statements for each RIT level/band. Use the learning statements and the correlated resources to differentiate instruction for individual students or groups of students.
How To Use NWEA Correlations
- Identify students’ RIT range for each goal from the NWEA MAP Growth or MAP Growth K-2 assessment results.
- From the Curricula and Assessments drop-down menu, select the NWEA MAP Growth, Grades 2-5 or MAP Growth K-2 assessment.
- Then, select the appropriate RIT range. Select “Go.”
- Choose from the available PDFs within a RIT range that each focus on one of the Learning Continuum’s goals for the selected assessment. Download the PDF.
- Within the PDF, find the subgoal and topic that you want to focus on with an individual student or group of students.
- Identify specific learning statements for a given topic. The learning statements within the selected RIT range list the skills and concepts that students need to develop.
- Next, select one of the resources that corresponds to the targeted learning statement. Click on the link to access the resource.
- On the website, select the instructional material that matches the name of the resource link from the PDF. Please note that some of the resources can be used to teach multiple learning statements. Other resources are found on webpages that contain multiple materials to download that support the targeted skill and other skills.
- Make sure to reference the lesson plan provided to help teach the skill described in the targeted learning statement. Various resources can be used to teach each learning statement.