Why Use Comprehension Skill Packs
Students need direct and explicit instruction to know when and how comprehension skills and strategies should be used.
Comprehension Skill Packs deliver opportunities for repeated practice until these skills become automatic, enabling strategic, adaptable readers who can build meaning from text.
How to Use Comprehension Skill Packs
Every grade level includes a variety of packs, each containing a lesson plan and fiction or nonfiction grade-level passages in printable, projectable, digital, and assignable formats.
Introduce the pack’s target comprehension skill by modeling it in whole-class or small-group settings using projectable passages and tools.
Have students work in pairs to complete the Practice Passage activity. Use the Independent Practice Passages to allow students to work on their own.
Students can then move on to extension activities, such as analyzing books and using graphic organizers that focus on the same comprehension skill.
Follow the lesson plan for tips to teach the targeted comprehension skill, including a writing application using the Write and Share activities.
Digital and Assignable Activities
Each Practice Passage and Independent Practice Passage can be assigned to students, which they complete online in the The Kids A-Z student portal.
Use the online Activity and Skill Reports to track student progress.