Gems: Treasures from the Earth
Gemas: Tesoros de la Tierra
Les gemmes : les trésors de la Terre
Gems: Treasures from the Earth
Gems: Treasures from the Earth
Gems: Treasures from the Earth
Gems: Treasures from the Earth
Informational (nonfiction), 1,137 words, Level S (Grade 3), Lexile 890L
Multilevel Book also available at other levels of text complexity
Gems fascinate almost everyone. They sparkle, shimmer, and glimmer with mystery and beauty. This book explains how gems are formed, how they are valued, and the processes by which they become jewelry. At the end of the book, students can read about some of the most famous gems. Photographs and diagrams enhance the text.
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Literature Circle Resources
For more information about Literature Circles, see resources For Teachers and For Students.
Lesson Resources
Teach the Objectives
Reading Strategy
Make, revise, and confirm predictions to understand informational text
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Think, Collaborate, Discuss
Promote higher-order thinking for small groups
or whole class