The Case of the Disappearing Honeybees
El caso de la desaparición de las abejas
The Case of the Disappearing Honeybees
The Case of the Disappearing Honeybees
The Case of the Disappearing Honeybees
The Case of the Disappearing Honeybees
The Case of the Disappearing Honeybees
Informational (nonfiction), 1,520 words, Level Y (Grade 5), Lexile 1070L
Multilevel Book also available at other levels of text complexity
We depend on honeybees to pollinate the plants that produce our food. That's why beekeepers, farmers, and scientists want to know why honeybees started vanishing around 2007. The Case of the Disappearing Honeybees explores the mystery of colony collapse disorder (CCD), a worldwide problem that results in millions of honeybees disappearing without a trace every year.
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