I'm Allergic to Peanuts
Soy alérgico al maní
I'm Allergic to Peanuts
I'm Allergic to Peanuts
I'm Allergic to Peanuts
I'm Allergic to Peanuts
I'm Allergic to Peanuts
Interview (nonfiction), 450 words, Level K (Grade 2), Lexile 550L
I'm Allergic to Peanuts introduces students to Dominic, a young boy with a peanut allergy. The book uses an interview format to share Dominic's feelings. He talks about how his life is altered by the special needs of an allergy, emergency steps he can take, and how his allergy affects other people. Photographs of Dominic and his family accompany his honest responses.
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Reading Strategy
Use the reading strategy of asking and answering questions to understand text
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Think, Collaborate, Discuss
Promote higher-order thinking for small groups
or whole class