Lil, Sal, and Bill
Lil, Sal, and Bill
Lil, Sal, and Bill
Lil, Sal, and Bill
Lil, Sal, and Bill
Lil, Sal, and Bill
Lil, Sal, and Bill
Realistic (fiction), Decodable

The consonant l is a reliable letter in that it does not represent any sound other than the /l/ sound in words such as lip and lake. However, one l is silent when it is doubled in words such as bell and hill. It is also sometimes silent when it comes before letters k, f, d, and m appearing in the same syllable, such as in the words calf, yolk, and would. This is a difficult arrangement to remember because in other one-syllable words, such as hold, self, and milk, the /l/ is pronounced. There are other spellings of the /l/ sound. For example, the /l/ in castle is spelled tle, and the /l/ in muscle is spelled cle.
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