Guidelines for Administering Benchmark Quick Checks

Check the chart below before administering the Benchmark Quick Check Quiz. Ensure a student has an appropriate score on the Running Record first.

Benchmark Passages and Benchmark Books (Levels aa-J) have multiple-choice Comprehension Quick Check Quizzes and master keys. Use the skill tags on the answer key to see comprehension strengths and opportunities for additional instruction. If you need more details about the reading level assessment process, try About Running Records or Assessing a Student's Level.

Running Record Quick Check Comprehension Quiz Action
95% + 100% + Advance Student a Level
95% + 80% Instruct at this Level
95% + <80% Lower a Level, Assess Again
90-94% 80-100% Instruct at this Level
90-94% <80% Lower a Level, Assess Again
<90% N/A Lower a Level, Assess Again